Nobsound NS-08E

This is a good DAC, though perhaps lacks some of the sound quality, and the extra picture of Nobsound NS-08Efeatures, which set the other DACs we have tested apart.

On the other hand, this DAC looks great. The twin valves sticking out of the top give the whole DAC a vintage look, and when they are glowing you are sure to get positive comments about them. It looks like a badass tube amp with the power you’d expect from a 5-channel.

In addition, this use of vacuum tubes provides a nicely vintage sound. Whilst this DAC might not offer the most accurate sound reproduction, and therefore be unsuitable for the musicians among you, listening to old records through a tube amp certainly gives them character!

In addition, this DAC comes with a number of extra features:

Nobsound NS-08E
Nobsound NS-08E

On the other hand, this DAC looks great. The twin valves sticking out of the top give the whole DAC a vintage look, and when they are glowing you are sure to get positive comments about them. It looks like a badass tube amp with the power you’d expect from a 5-channel.

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9 Total Score
Nobsound NS-08E

On the other hand, this DAC looks great. The twin valves sticking out of the top give the whole DAC a vintage look, and when they are glowing you are sure to get positive comments about them. It looks like a badass tube amp with the power you’d expect from a 5-channel.

  • Tit is nice and powerful. Whilst this may not sound like an important consideration, given that most of the time you will only be using it to drive headphones, if you pair this vintage DAC with a pair of vintage headphones, it needs all that power to overcome the impedance of your headphones.
  • The DAC has a really easy-to-use interface, meaning that you will be using it within minutes of it arriving!
  • Whilst this may not be the most rugged DAC, due to the glass vacuum tubes sticking out the top, it looks great. And if you do break the tubes, replacements are easily available online, or at your nearest musical instrument store.
  • A few. Some people we talked to for this review were disappointed that the tubes in this amp do not provide all of it’s amplification, but merely color the sound. If you want a fully-tubed amp, they are available for several times the price of this device, but for the money this is a solid performer.
User Rating: 4.5 (2 votes)

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